Katrin Hilbe (she / her)

KATRIN HILBE is a director and producer of Liechtenstein-Kansas origin, working both in opera and theatre, in the US and in Europe. In addition to her directing work, Katrin has founded ManyTracks Inc. "For every complex problem there's an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." H.L. Mencken. Since its inception in 2009, ManyTracks has steadily generated projects of varied subjects, themes and ambitions. MT productions have been presented in New York, Edinburgh, Rome, the theatres Konstanz and Liechtenstein, and at the Dublin Gay International Theatre Festival, where the production of Julia Pascal´s St Joan won the Hilton Edwards Award for best direction and adaptation.
Select theatre credits: IDENTITY EUROPE, SHOOTER, FÄGFÜÜR, IN BED WITH ROY COHN, BREAKING THE SILENCE, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT´S DREAM, DANTON´S DEATH. Select opera credits: DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE, DIE SCHUMANN SONATE, FALSTAFF, PELLÉAS ET MÉLISANDE, FREMD BIN ICH EINGEZOGEN... Katrin is a regular contributor to EUROPEAN STAGES, a publication of the Martin E. Segal Center. She is currently the Executive Vice President of the League of Professional Theatre Women, a full member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society, the Dramatists Guild of America, Theater Resources Unlimited, The Articulate Theatre Company, and the Playwright Directors Unit of The Actors Studio. She holds a Masters in Philosophy, Musicology, English/ American Literature from the University of Berne (Switzerland and speaks English, German, Italian and French.
Learn more about Katrin and her work on Katrinhilbe.com and ManyTracks.org